Neuro-muscular Impairments in Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc (PLID) according to Structural Diagnosis and Management (SDM)

The study aims to determine the Neuro-muscular Impairments in Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc (PLID) according to Structural Diagnosis and Management (SDM). Structural Diagnosis and Management (SDM) of musculoskeletal medicine focuses on a comprehensive approach to assess both the contractile and non-contractile structures to generate a hypothesis to solve the specific sources hindering normal activities in the lumbar spine. This has been developed through 15 years’ experience of Dr. M Shahadat Hossain treating diverse cases of musculoskeletal medicine. The SDM assessment directs conservative management procedure in a way of taking history, examination of arthokinemetic and osteokinemtic motions of lumbar spine, stretching the series of muscles in lumbopelvic and lower extremities with biomechanical rationale, strength test to relative prime, segmental and regional stabilizer, neurological examination to the biomechanical contributor, myotomes and isolated neural structures to generate a diagnosis